Testing Lab

Customer satisfaction is the primary concern at CartonCraft Inc. Our Quality Assurance programs allow us to develop, manufacture and deliver on-time products and services that meet or exceed customer expectations. We have a on-site testing lab that ensures all of our products comply with industry standards. Every employee plays a role in the quality control testing performed on each order before it is approved for production and delivery.

Testing Equipment

  • Caliper Tester,
  • Sutherland 2000 Rub Tester,
  • 1270 PCA Score Bend/Opening Force/COF Tester,
  • Hang/Drop Tester,
  • Light Booth Testing.

We test cartons post-production with Sutherland rub testers to ensure the printing on our cartons withstands the scuffing that may occur in shipment of your product.

We continuously measure  score bend and opening force with Thwing-Albert Bend and Force testers to ensure that machine filled cartons, whether board or plastic, will run flawlessly through our customer’s manufacturing facility.